Trailmeme for WordPress (TM4WP)

TM4WP is a Wordpress plugin that allows you to blaze trails on your self-hosted Wordpress blog for your users to follow and print.

You can view an example of a TM4WP-enabled blogs on the Trailmeme Blog. Chaos Program and ribbonfarm, by Trailmeme team members Dave and Venkat, also feature the plugin.

Get the Plugin
You can download the latest version of TM4WP here:

You can also install the TM4WP plugin directly from the Plugins section of your Admin panel (select the Add New button, then search for Trailmeme).

Chaos Program screen
Screen from Chaos Program, a TM4WP-enabled site
TM4WP Benefits for Blog Readers
The value to your users is that they can read your content in a much more natural way, compared to using search, categories, or tags. The reading experience is more connected and fluid. In fact, readers can even convert an entire trail into a convenient PDF with one click.

TM4WP Benefits for Bloggers
For all bloggers, site engagement, session lengths and pages/visit will go up with the TM4WP plugin. Specific additional benefits for different styles of blogging are:

For small business/marketing blogs, TM4WP is like keeping a customer in your store longer, browsing more things, increasing the chances of a conversion into a selling opportunity.

For high-speed blogs that react to the news, staying ahead of, and top of, trends in your niche is the big problem. TM4WP allows you to efficiently maintain a big-picture "current trends" kind of navigation in your site, without tedious back/forward linking, so your readers can catch up with a developing big story even if they join late.

And for bloggers who post enduring, quality content with a lower frequency, TM4WP is the ideal way to prevent high-value content from getting buried in the archives by the real-time Web. By going beyond simple series to trails, you can reuse old content for new purposes, and earn "compound interest" on your old gold.

These are just a few suggestions. let us know if you have other ideas, or questions, and we'd be glad to brainstorm with you. We'll even help you get set up and started.

Coming soon
A browser plugin that puts the navigational properties of trails right at your fingertips and even helps you choose web pages to add to your Trails on Trailmeme with the click of a button! You will also soon to be able to collaborate on specific trails, allowing others to continue blazing and shaping its narrative.